We are back with the second part to our hair care porosity series! Again, if you know your porosity but are unsure of where to start, we recommend that you stick around for this 3-part blog series detailing how to take care of your hair based on your porosity. This should help you build a regimen tailored to your personal needs and schedule. Low porosity hair does not easily allow moisture in the strands, so the main goal for this type is to increase moisture absorption by opening the cuticles but avoiding product build up.
Shampoo! It can be kind of hard to find a shampoo that does not completely strip your hair of it's natural oils, but low porosity gals, do not skip this step. FInd a shampoo that has a pH a smidge higher than your hair's so that it opens the cuticles. A homemade shampoo that aids in removing product build up and will literally have your curls poppin' is an Ayurvedic Black Shampoo (CurlyProverbz Tutorial).
HEAT, HEAT, HEAT! Low porosity hair needs a little heat in everything in does, but use it wisely. When washing or detangling, use warmed products and water if possible. Deep conditioning with heat will also helps promote elasticity, inhibits damage, revitalizes pH, and cultivates moisture. Low porosity hair responds better to these treatments when paired with heat because it opens the cuticle. Our microwavable deep conditioning caps have been said to be the best addition to your wash day routine! If you do not have a microwave, consider trying our Soft Bonnet Hooded Dryer Attachment.
Utilize lighter products. We've all heard the myth that coconut oil is a natural girl's best friend... not exactly. Since low porosity hair already has cuticles that are packed tightly together, lighter products are the way to go. If you have a product that works for you but is on the thicker side, consider adding warm water to it as needed.
If you read the first part of our hair care series, you know a little bit about the LCO method. To recap: The LCO Method is a good way to lock in moisture. This is the use of liquid to hydrate the hair such as water or a leave-in conditioner. Second, going in with a cream or butter to seal the liquid in. Last, sealing the cream or butter with the oil(s) of your choosing. Different oils provide various benefits for hair growth. For low porosity, warm lighter oils.
IMPORTANT: Retain. This is the last tip and is very important. Don't let your wash day and moisturizing go to waste by going to sleep on a cotton pillow. This will strip your hair of everything you're working for.. Moisture! Would I be biased if I recommended our reversible, adjustable satin bonnets as your bedtime best friend? Possibly, but with reason!
Please stay tuned into our blog series on hair care for medium porosity.
What are some of the lighter warmer oils that you suggest for low porosity hair?
This advice was very much helpful! My only problem is finding the correct products for my low porosity hair, any Ideas of good products for us low porosity gals? Also the shampoo you mentioned of in the blog, where can I find it? The link wouldn’t pull anything up for me. Thanks soo much for your help.